
Function to communicate via HIT-Protokoll

GET api/HitCom/{id}

Prüft Verfügbarkeit des Rest-Services und gibt Version zurück. Aufruf: GET /api/hitcom

GET api/HitCom/{id}?Bnr={Bnr}&Mbn={Mbn}&Pin={Pin}&Mandant={Mandant}&Parameter={Parameter}&Subcode={Subcode}&Meldung={Meldung}&Feldliste={Feldliste}&Datenliste={Datenliste}&TOTP={TOTP}&Light={Light}&Session={Session}&Secret={Secret}&Timeout={Timeout}&Ausgabeform={Ausgabeform}&Context={Context}

No documentation available.

POST api/HitCom/{id}

POST - IS Insert Inserting a Resource (Crud)

PUT api/HitCom/{id}

PUT - XS Excecute Updating a Resource (crUd)

DELETE api/HitCom/{id}

DELETE - SS Storno Deleting a Resource (cruD) If a DELETE request succeeds, it can return status 200 (OK) with an entity-body that describes the status; status 202 (Accepted) if the deletion is still pending; or status 204 (No Content) with no entity body. In this case, the DeleteProduct method has a void return type, so ASP.NET Web API automatically translates this into status code 204 (No Content).


Function to translate HitBatch-Interface to HitRaw-Interface

GET api/HitBatch/{id}

Prüft Verfügbarkeit des Rest-Services und gibt Version zurück. Aufruf: GET /api/hitcom

GET api/HitBatch/{id}?Bnr={Bnr}&Mbn={Mbn}&Pin={Pin}&Mandant={Mandant}&Parameter={Parameter}&Befehl={Befehl}&Meldung={Meldung}&Daten={Daten}&TOTP={TOTP}&Light={Light}&Session={Session}&Secret={Secret}&Timeout={Timeout}&Ausgabeform={Ausgabeform}&Context={Context}

No documentation available.

POST api/HitBatch/{id}

POST - alle Commands im Satzmodus


GET api/HitRaw/{id}

Prüft Verfügbarkeit des Rest-Services und gibt Version zurück. Aufruf: GET /api/hitraw

GET api/HitRaw/{id}?befehle={befehle}&Bnr={Bnr}&Mbn={Mbn}&Pin={Pin}&Mandant={Mandant}&Parameter={Parameter}&TOTP={TOTP}&Light={Light}&Ausgabeform={Ausgabeform}&Session={Session}&Secret={Secret}&Timeout={Timeout}&Context={Context}

No documentation available.

GET api/HitRaw/{id}?Befehlspuffer={Befehlspuffer}&Bnr={Bnr}&Mbn={Mbn}&Pin={Pin}&Mandant={Mandant}&Parameter={Parameter}&TOTP={TOTP}&Light={Light}&Ausgabeform={Ausgabeform}&Session={Session}&Secret={Secret}&Timeout={Timeout}&Context={Context}&ignore_parameter={ignore_parameter}

No documentation available.

POST api/HitRaw/{id}

Creating a Resource ... Return unklar ???? sollte 201 sein ? CRUD Pattern: http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/creating-web-apis/creating-a-web-api-that-supports-crud-operations This implementation will work, but it is not quite complete. Ideally, we would like the HTTP response to include the following: Response code: By default, the Web API framework sets the response status code to 200 (OK). But according to the HTTP/1.1 protocol, when a POST request results in the creation of a resource, the server should reply with status 201 (Created). Location: When the server creates a resource, it should include the URI of the new resource in the Location header of the response.